Apart from a platform which provides the trading signals, the Tanakacargillgroup.com program also provides an auto trading robot and personal coaching. All of this is provided free of charge, with the only condition being that you’ve actually opened a binary options account and deposited a minimal amount into it.
What we liked about their website is that it is straightforward and doesn't bother the user with hype about becoming millionaires or getting rich overnight. It does have a pretty inspiring video:
The Pot Of Gold platform itself has several panels to operate the various functions of the system, and is user friendly: there’s a signals panel that shows the online signals, enabling you to take the trades directly from the signals platform. There’s additionally a panel for automated trading, and a panel that reveals trades that other beta testers have taken.
It should be noted that the automated robot provides good control of the way the signals will be executed on the account. It's possible for you to choose how many trades can be opened at the same time, what would be the fixed risk amount per trade, and whether the signal should be executed automatically or manually.
The Binary Pot Of Gold is still free for a limited “beta testing” period. Since there are limited places in the current beta phase, we quickly joined so we could test it and publish the results here. We signed up in their website and deposited an initial sum of $500.
Click on the image below to check out their website:
To objectively and impartially test the signals automated robot, without manual intervention from our side, we placed the platform on “Auto Trading” mode. The mount invested per trade was $10. We also limited trading to only 1 trade open at any time, to avoid multiple trades at the same time. We planned to increase the amount of simultaneous trades after the first week, once we confirmed that the Tanaka-Cargill system is profitable (or not), and verified it isn’t a scam.
An hour after setting the platform, the first trade came through and was an encouraging win. We continued to observe closely for the remainder of the evening, and had another trade which was regrettably a loser. In the next few days we continued to monitor and were excited to see the account balance gradually going up.
Of course not all trades were winners, but the profit was accumulating consistently in the account, due to having a relatively high percent of winning trades. As the second week advanced, it was clear that this system is a genuinely profitable one. We ended the first week with a profit of $482 and the second week with a profit of $788.
As we continue to run the TanakaCargillGroup.com on real money, we will strive to update, and you’re also encouraged to message us with your own results!
After having considered all the evidence, both from the website and from the real money testing done with the Binary Options Pot of Gold platform, we conclude that it is an honest, profitable system and not a scam. Judge verdict: good to go!
By Leo Blake
Judge Binary Options team
2 thoughts on “Judge Investigates: Is the Binary Pot of Gold for real?”
Erwin says:
05 Sep, 2016
Thank you so much judge,finaly a review about the TG group! I signed up 2 weeks ago and i was kind of scared to loose my investment! My broker is the Starling Capital. Is that a good broker? What would be the recomended settings? How are you doing right now with the software? Let me know thanks!
Hi Erwin, thank you for your feedback. Our account has grown nicely since start. we're seeing an average of $500 to $700 per week. The recommended settings are as always - the lowest risk possible per trade.
lynton-lloyd says:
28 Aug, 2016
please give an on the binary pot of gold as there hasnt been any recent post ..good or bad regarding this app ..
The test account is progressing nicely, with an average profit per week of $500 to $700. We will continue to test.